
class bookkeep.SmartBook(units={}, bounds={}, *args, source=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create a dictionary that represents values with units of measure and alerts when setting an item out of bounds. Bounds are always inclusive.


units: [UnitManager or dict] Dictionary of units of measure.

bounds: [dict] Dictionary of bounds.

*args: Key-value pairs to initialize.

source: [str] Should be one of the following [-]:
  • Short description of the smartbook.
  • Object which the smartbook belongs to.
  • None

**kwargs: Key-value pairs to initialize.

Class Attribute

Quantity: pint Quantity class for compatibility.


SmartBook objects provide an easy way to keep track of units of measure and enforce bounds.

Create a SmartBook object with units, bounds, a source description, and arguments to initialize the dictionary:

>>> from bookkeep import SmartBook
>>> sb = SmartBook(units={'T': 'K', 'Duty': 'kJ/hr'},
...                bounds={'T': (0, 1000)},
...                source='Operating conditions',
...                T=350)
>>> sb
{'T': 350 (K)}

The units attribute becomes a UnitManager object with a reference to all dictionaries (clients) it controls. These include the SmartBook and its bounds.

>>> sb.units
{'T': 'K',
 'Duty': 'kJ/hr'}
>>> sb.units.clients
[{'T': 350 (K)}, {'T': (0, 1000)}]

Change units:

>>> sb.units['T'] = 'degC'
>>> sb
{'T': 76.85 (degC)}
>>> sb.bounds
{'T': (-273.15, 726.85)}

Add items:

>>> sb['P'] = 101325
>>> sb
{'T': 76.85 (degC),
 'P': 101325}

Add units:

>>> sb.units['P'] = 'Pa'
>>> sb
{'T': 76.85 (degC),
 'P': 101325 (Pa)}

A BookkeepWarning is issued when a value is set out of bounds:

>>> sb['T'] = -300
__main__:1: BookkeepWarning: @Operating conditions: T (-300 degC) is out of bounds (-273.15 to 726.85 degC).

Nested SmartBook objects are easy to read, and can be made using the same units and bounds.

Create new SmartBook objects:

>>> sb1 = SmartBook(sb.units, sb.bounds,
...                 T=25, P=500)
>>> sb2 = SmartBook(sb.units, sb.bounds,
...                 T=50, Duty=50)
>>> sb1
{'T': 25 (degC),
 'P': 500 (Pa)}
>>> sb2
{'T': 50 (degC),
 'Duty': 50 (kJ/hr)})

Create a nested SmartBook object:

>>> nsb = SmartBook(units=sb.units, sb1=sb1, sb2=sb2)
>>> nsb
    {'T': 25 (degC),
     'P': 500 (Pa)},
    {'T': 50 (degC),
     'Duty': 50 (kg/hr)}}

pint Quantity objects are also compatible, so long as the corresponding Quantity class is set as the Quantity attribute.

Set a Quantity object:

>>> Q_ = SmartBook.Quantity
>>> sb1.bounds['T'] = Q_((0, 1000), 'K')
>>> sb1['T'] = Q_(100, 'K')
>>> sb1
{'T': -173.15 degC,
 'P': 500 (Pa)}

Setting a Quantity object out of bounds will issue a warning:

>>> sb1['T'] = Q_(-1, 'K')
 __main__:1: BookkeepWarning: T (-274.15 degC) is out of bounds (-273.15 to 726.85 degC).

Trying to set a Quantity object with wrong dimensions will raise an error:

>>> Q_ = SmartBook.Quantity    
>>> sb1['T'] = Q_(100, 'meter')
DimensionalityError: Cannot convert from 'meter' ([length]) to 'degC' ([temperature])
class Quantity

Dictionary of bounds.

boundscheck(key, value)[source]

Return True if value is within bounds. Return False if value is out of bounds and issue a warning.


key: [str] Name of value

value: [number, Quantity, or array]

classmethod enforce_boundscheck(val)[source]

If val is True, issue BookkeepWarning whenever an item is set out of bounds. If val is False, ignore bounds.

classmethod enforce_unitscheck(val)[source]

If val is True, adjust Quantity objects to correct units. If val is False, ignore units.


Return all key-value pairs of self and nested SmartBook objects.


Return all keys of self and nested SmartBook objects.


Return all values of self and nested SmartBook objects.


Short description or object it describes


Dictionary of units of measure.

unitscheck(key, value)[source]

Adjust Quantity objects to correct units and return True.